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Tips From Your BUPRSSA President: Being PRoactive this Summer

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Finals have ended, seniors have graduated, and summer is in full swing. Even though it is “vacation”, we can still use summer as an opportunity to grow professionally. Whether you are traveling, working part-time or interning, there are ways to improve your PR skills so you can be ahead of the game in the fall.

If you have a PR internship, you’ll obviously be practicing PR on a daily basis, but don’t fall victim to simply doing what you’re supervisor asks. Go above and beyond:

  • Keep up with the company’s status by doing media scans, reading their blog and following them on all social media accounts. It will benefit you when you enter a meeting and may help with discussions with your colleagues.

  • Come in with questions about the company, its clients, and its current projects. This shows interest and will help your overall creative strategies when assisting in projects.

  • Talk to as many people as you can. A simple “Hello” and an introduction in the break room can grow your network. Always bond with fellow interns and colleagues after work when you can. The more comfortable you are with one another, the easier it will be to have those creative juices flowing in the office.

There are plenty of other ways to keep your PR skills polished over the summer, even if you don’t have an internship:

  • Start your own blog via WordPress or BlogSpot. Pick a theme to your blog and document your summer. Examples of themes: travel, hiking adventures, concerts, music, food- anything you want, but bring a creative edge to it!

  • Follow companies that interest you on social media. I think the most important thing is to be up-to-date on everything a company is doing and how it relates to society. Craft valuable tweets-- when employers browse your Twitter later on, they’ll be impressed to see your knowledge in 140 characters.

  • Network via informational meetings. Reach out to employees at local companies and ask to meet so you can learn more about their position and the company. It’s mutually beneficial: they get to talk about their passions and you get your foot in the door.

As your PRSSA president, I can’t wait to bring all of our new PR skills together in the fall. The most important thing is to always take initiative and show enthusiasm, EVEN if you don’t like the task at hand. You’ll be surprised with how you’re rewarded in the end. If you ever need more advice, reach out to any fellow BUPRSSA member, including myself. And remember: stay PRoactive this summer!

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